Enlightenment is the Goal of Mankind.

You have been guided to this website – nothing happens by chance!

Spirituality is attained by becoming Conscious of the Heavenly Realms which are described in most scriptures as the most beautiful Light and melodic Sound .

  • The blinding Light and Word of the Christian Bible.
  • God is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth in the Quran.
  • The Light of a thousand Suns in the Bhagavad-Gita.

This is not achieved through belief or any form of visualization but as a direct and indisputable Revelation.

Without Spirituality people are floundering in the wilderness of materialism. They have no idea where they have come from and no idea where they are going! The possibilities of where to go and what to achieve in life are endless, but without the anchor of Spirituality in their lives they get totally trapped.

Becoming aware of the Light and Sound Energies has historically been extremely rare. However, in recent years large numbers of people around the the World have been spontaneously ‘Waking’ up.
This usually takes the form of:

  • Hearing a blend of high frequency Sounds.
  • Seeing geometric shapes or tiny points/wisps of Light.
  • Feeling a sense of Expansion and/or a Loving Presence.

These Experiences are a clue that there is more, much more, to our Existence. They also point the direction for us to explore!

We represent a loosely affiliated group of Meditation Teachers, many of whom have attained Enlightenment. Our aim is to help Meditators contact and explore the Spiritual Realms. We also offer the opportunity for serious Seekers to become Teachers so they can help those around them to discover the Truth.

What we offer is priceless – so everything is given completely free.




The Initiation we speak of is a miraculous Connection that is made between the Seeker and the Spiritual Realms. This is achieved by a simple Transference of Energy by one of our Enlightened Teachers. The Connection creates a permanent bridge between the Meditator and the Light and Sound Energies. However it does requires a regular Meditation practice to maximise the benefits.

These Divine Energies are there to Guide you along the Path and Teach you the lessons you need to learn along the Way. Awe inspiring Revelations, beyond all imagination, are Experienced that ultimately can take you to Enlightenment.


Spiritual Energy on this Planet is at an unprecedented high level at this time. This means that large numbers of people around the World are having Spontaneous Awakenings, some even attaining Enlightenment. Often these Experiences are so incredible that people doubt they are real.
We are always happy to offer help and advice to alleviate any concerns and to encourage the Seeker to discover even more. We can also offer a Transference of Energy to create a permanent Connection with the Light and Sound Energies which are designed to guide Meditators along the Spiritual Path to Enlightenment.

We have another website that focuses on Awakenings and Enlightenment. It contains some amazing Testimonials, many from people who have never even meditated.


This word has been used throughout the ages and carries a whole spectrum of meanings. Hence it is important to convey precisely what we mean by Enlightenment. We have therefore devoted a whole page of this website to defining it, and sharing the Testimonials of people that we have helped attain this State.

The State of Consciousness known as Enlightenment occurs when the Meditator Transcends all the Levels of Spiritual Light and Sound and merges with the Oneness or Source of Creation.


Spiritual Hierarchy

In February of 2015 a small number of Enlightened Meditators were contacted by a Wise and Loving Intelligence. This Intelligence has appeared many times in the past, sometimes to individuals and sometimes to groups such as the Theosophical Society who coined the name, Spiritual Hierarchy.

The purpose is usually to help guide an individual, or to impart knowledge to help humanity. Spiritual Energies are being revealed to the people of this Planet on a scale never seen before! We are calling this phenomenon a New Lightwave.

We have another website that is dedicated to the Spiritual Hierarchy. It contains many of Their Transmission which make fascinating reading.



The Global page includes an open invitation for Meditators, all around the World, to join with us and send Love and Light to our precious Planet. It is so important that we wake up and address the issues that are threatening the myriad of lifeforms that inhabit our beautiful World. We desperately need to restore balance and harmony as quickly as possible.


People who are looking for the Truth often need the reassurance that there are others that have the same Quest. The Spiritual Path has been well trodden, but it can get lonely as you have to Travel alone. It is important that focus and discipline are maintained if a person is going to reach their Goal.

We therefore offer a number of articles to help stimulate and encourage a person along the Way. Spirituality is never found in words but they are very useful to point someone in the right direction.



If you embark on a journey you want to know the chosen route will lead you to your destination. Curiously, if you seek Enlightenment you cannot Know what your destination is beforehand. You can read descriptions but need to trust that this is what you actually Seek!

We have therefore gathered a whole range of Testimonials from people who have had Spontaneous Awakenings and/or have Meditated on the Light and Sound Energies. We have also included a few Messages from Enlightened people who have left their Earthly existence and Ascended to the Spiritual Realms.

Contact Page

We have provided a contact page so that you can ask our Teachers any questions related to Spirituality and Meditation on Divine Light and Sound.
Contact Meditation Teachers

We would like to thank Amanda Sage for her kind permission to use the beautiful image of Limbic Resonance depicting the Transference of Spiritual Energy between two Beings.