

  As human beings we consider that we are conscious. Our consciousness depends on the input from our five senses, our emotions and thoughts. We can clearly see that animals are also conscious by the way they react to environmental stimuli. Science though might draw the line when considering the plant kingdom. Plants too react to their surroundings but is… Read more →

Other Groups – Other Teachings

  We are often asked questions about other groups and teachings. Often they have similarities to our own but together with obvious differences. It is intriguing to realize that Intelligence is being communicated to many open and sensitive people, all over the World, at this time. The problem is that the discrepancies that can lead to heated debates. Because the… Read more →

Enlightened Insights

  Different Perspectives The story of the blind men and the elephant beautifully illustrates this. Each man feels a different part of the elephant and thinks they know what they are dealing with. Every human being has a unique position in the universe which inevitably leads to arguments. Each person thinks they are right. And of course they are, from… Read more →

Andromeda Project

  16th February 2021   We received a Message that gave 5 Targets in the Andromeda Galaxy. These were in 3-D and were referenced from a point a few hundred light years from the plane of the Galaxy. The spiral structure seen from Earth is nearly edge on; the perspective we were given was face on! Below is a rough… Read more →


  During the past five years we have observed thousands of people around the World become Initiated into the Light and Sound. Traditionally, the Journey to Enlightenment was extremely difficult and required the Seeker to adopt an austere lifestyle; most would fail to reach their Goal. These days the Path has been made available to the masses and the large… Read more →

Universal Intelligence

  Introduction Initiates of Light and Sound have glimpses of the Spiritual Realms on their Journey to Enlightenment. They report that the Energies they Meditate on are “alive” and seem to demonstrate purpose. This leads us to the conclusion that the whole Universe can be considered as a manifestation of Intelligence. It is however, so easy to miss this when… Read more →

The Diamond Light Project

  The Project began way back in early 2011 when we received information from a friend about the Schumann resonance. This is a very weak electromagnetic frequency that is generated when lightning excites the Earth’s atmospheric cavity. Initially we made a set of coils using a toroidal transformer and powered them with a simple signal generator using a 7.83 Hz… Read more →

The History of the Path

  Although the Path of the Hierarchy (sometimes called the New Lightwave) started in February 2015, we had received many Messages the previous year. They were mostly about a new type of technology and amazing information about connections between our Planet and other Astronomical objects in the physical universe.   Then on the 16th February 2015 We want you to… Read more →

The Guest House by Rumi

  This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for… Read more →

Fear by Khalil Gibran

  It is said that before entering the sea a river trembles with fear. She looks back at the path she has traveled, from the peaks of the mountains, the long winding road crossing forests and villages. And in front of her, she sees an ocean so vast, that to enter there seems nothing more than to disappear forever. But… Read more →