I will said that the Mantra keeps off any distraction, even if doesn’t make any sense the repetition of certain words. I trust the giver of the Mantra that I received and I know it is made for me for a reason. Phoenix Arizona Read more →
Monthly Archives: August 2015
Testimonial (I.M.)
I have noticed that spending 15-20 minutes doing my mantra can bring a calm spirit in me. It gives me some different perspectives on things that have been some concerns to me and gets me to a better reasoning. Anthem Arizona Read more →
Testimonial (J.B.)
Since using the mantra, I have a deeper understanding of how much more expansive my the universe is. My World has become smaller in comparison to bigness of it all. Most interesting is that I don’t feel smaller in this expanded Universe. I feel more a part of this expanded Universe, I get a sense of peace, that this Universe… Read more →
Testimonial (D.P.)
Meditating on the Light and Sound has added an incredible level of depth to my life that nothing else I have tried compares to. Over the years it has continued to melt away those parts of me that were nothing other than barriers to my progress on my Spiritual Journey leaving me feeling lighter, happier and more open to these… Read more →