Monthly Archives: May 2020

Testimonial (S.B.)

  The Initiation A Sound rang in my head , became louder and melodious and spread all over my body, making my body vibrate accompanied by bright Light. Immediately my heart filled with joy, lightness and energy, all cells in my body vibrated this beautiful Energy. Then I was being pulled through a dark tunnel that was suddenly blacker than… Read more →

The Guest House by Rumi

  This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for… Read more →

Fear by Khalil Gibran

  It is said that before entering the sea a river trembles with fear. She looks back at the path she has traveled, from the peaks of the mountains, the long winding road crossing forests and villages. And in front of her, she sees an ocean so vast, that to enter there seems nothing more than to disappear forever. But… Read more →

Testimonial (M.G.)

  My first experience of initiation on Light & Sound was very accurate. At the right and perfect time. I became from doing various processes for several years; and I had already reached the point of supposedly realize and understand many things, including integrating learned concepts, but I knew that something was missing and an existential void had been created… Read more →

Testimonial (M.P.)

  In early 2015 I started to feel a little different to what I always felt, it was out of the parameters that I knew. Years later an enlightened friend (P) ????❤???? insisted that I should be initiated in light and sound; I didn’t understand what she was talking about, but I accepted. In July 3, 2019 (C) gave me… Read more →

Testimonial (D.D.)

  My story of emptiness, that one about Love … One for which there are no words or human emotions to describe, even though, one that my Heart asks me to write in one more morning where tears of happiness sprout from my chest, where the longing is to remain eternally and never leave, one in where it becomes that… Read more →

Testimonial (L.A.)

  To talk about how this wonderful EXPERIENCE happened, is to go back to the initiation of LIGHT AND SOUND, where I arrived following my heart. It was a connection with a whole, I felt part and at the same time everything, it was a feeling difficult to describe, even more difficult because I was the last person to narrate… Read more →

Testimonial (A.C.)

  After several months of continuous meditation, after the initiation and a week before the illumination, in the middle of the chaotic noise of work stress, in the middle of demanding work, something particular happened to me. I felt at one point a sort of abstraction, I was disconnected from my physical part and accessed an empty space without needing… Read more →

Testimonial (L.B.)

  To get started on the path of light The way back to a whole With your conscience awake And the understanding of how great we are. The experience is Indescribable You transmute your physical body to energy You expand your warm and ineffable light Suspended in an absolute void. The silence in full splendor accompanies you The space is… Read more →