The History of the Path


Although the Path of the Hierarchy (sometimes called the New Lightwave) started in February 2015, we had received many Messages the previous year. They were mostly about a new type of technology and amazing information about connections between our Planet and other Astronomical objects in the physical universe.
Then on the 16th February 2015

We want you to start the Path again. Can you see how big this is? We did tell you – go with it. We will give you all the help you need. This needs to be done – We are working behind the scenes. Do the Initiations, all of them – We are here to guide you.


A small team of people, that had attained Enlightenment through the Spiritual Master who had led the Lifewave organisation, set about the task. They drew upon their experiences and tried to create a system that would be accessible to the masses and avoid the many pitfalls that plagued similar groups.

There would be no Leader, no lifestyle restrictions and most importantly everything would be completely free. With these principles in mind websites were created and people around the world were invited to join what we have come to think of as the Mission.

Initially, the numbers grew slowly, however, a number of Meditators were able to realize Second Initiation and Enlightenment. During this time there were Grace Periods announced by the Spiritual Hierarchy that enabled people to attain these high States of Consciousness.
16th April 2016

We have been discussing how bringing Spirituality to you Planet by mass Initiations can raise the Consciousness generally, of the inhabitants. This then leads to more awareness of the Planet in general, more Love and Peace, less conflict.

There is a critical mass of people who need to become Initiated and Meditate regularly on the Light and Sound, to redress the balance, as things are at the moment. Working on the numbers right now, we need 3 more years of Grace. There will be those who fall away, so that has to be taken into account.

This led to a rapid expansion in South and Central America with people progressing rapidly through to Enlightenment.
The Hierarchy then presented us with a target:

4th May 2016

This is for all the people who have been Initiated into the Light and Sound recently. Many of you have not been Meditating very long and this is all very exciting to you. We, in the Higher Realms, wish to welcome you with Love and support on your Journey of Self Discovery.

You have come to this Meditation at a very exciting time, as each one of you has an important job to do.

Each time there is a wave of Spiritual Energy on the Planet, there is always a specific purpose. This time the purpose could not be more significant.

With your help we need to amass 75,000 people to be Initiated. With all that Spiritual Energy we can change the Consciousness of the World.

There are ways in which this will be done. To start with, every Initiate will learn to send Love to all every day and also to heal diseases by using Spiritual Energy.

This is being done already to some degree, but each Initiate needs to be aware of their role and to take pride in the fact that they are part of this massive undertaking.

The new Lightwave Path is growing very fast now and the target of 75,000 in 3 years is perfectly possible. We thank everyone who is involved in the promotion and spreading of this very powerful Energy.

The Hierarchy then made it easier for the Path to grow by removing the need to transmit further energy for the Higher states and allowing the Initiations to be carried out during a single day.

The Light and Sound started to spread around the World and as the end of the decade approached we had thousands of people in over 40 countries. Growth was now exponential!
On the 1st August 2019 we were informed about people Spontaneously Awakening. We therefore set up a new website to provide them with support, information and guidance.

From the beginning of the dawn of when Man first searched for his Maker, it has been an inner Soul searching, with a pure intent. (often preceded by inner turmoil of a life of pain, physical or otherwise)

That inner search, eventually, spontaneously showed the Seeker of Truth his Source – the Oneness of all Things. This was very rare.

As time went on, things changed and the Initiation process began – to get things moving Spiritually – to guide people by “showing them the Light” and guiding them through the Journey, which is where we are now.

In the future, We would like to see people as they evolve to Higher Beings, as the Ascension takes hold, go back to the Inner Seeking themselves, but with far more Inner understanding of what “Spirit” is and their place as a Human Being. (to be far more evolved before they start Seeking) It will be a form of Gnosis which permeates their Soul.

There are those who do this already and we are hoping that as the Light travels around through the darkness of matter, then more and more Souls will get “taken” by this Energy spontaneously as before. But the difference is, it will be common not rare.

We are keeping this simple – it is actually far more complicated.

At the beginning of 2020, the Coronavirus appeared and the World went into lockdown. The Initiations required physical touch, so we thought we would have to put things on hold during this period. The Spiritual Hierarchy had other ideas!

They introduced systems that allowed us to conduct Initiations remotely. We were now able to reach out to people in distant locations without the need to send someone in person. While the World was grinding to a standstill, we were expanding faster than ever. We could now offer Initiations to absolutely everybody on the Planet.
We were told early on that we were not the only Light and Sound group and that all of us would be working in parallel. Therefore we had no idea of overall numbers so on the 3rd July 2020 we decided to ask a question about numbers?

This is the Lords of Light.

We are pleased to tell you that the number of Initiated people in the World has far surpassed the target set. We are now moving into a new phase!

We did tell you there are many groups who Initiate people into Light and Sound. Nowadays, of course, many are Awakening so this has increased the numbers.

Things are changing dramatically, as you are well aware, because of the circumstances in the World today. This has brought huge numbers of people to Meditate.

This was incredible news, we had accomplished our Mission, we had the 75,000 needed for the critical mass. This would ensure massive changes to bring back balance and harmony to our Planet.

It was at this point that some of us were guided back to the Energetic project that had predated the Path. Teams of people began to focus on the 33 points of the Astronomical Diamond we were given in June 2016 and new points on the Earth itself. Through the process of Meditation and with the guidance of the Spiritual Hierarchy, Meditators started to travel through Space and connect with their targets.

It seems that there are crucial connections that need to be maintained in the various Kingdoms: the Mineral, Vegetable, Animal, Human, Planetary, Stellar and Galactic. Due to imbalances on Planet Earth we have inadvertently upset the Energetic systems in these various lifeforms and bodies.

We have no idea what the future is going to bring, but we are now very positive about the fate of our Planet and its inhabitants.