“While significant progress has been made in understanding the neural correlations of consciousness and its functional aspects, a comprehensive explanation of how and why consciousness arises remains one of the most profound and elusive questions in both science and philosophy.”
There was a time when consciousness was considered as a function of the brain. However, there is now much evidence that challenges this model. One case is NDEs that have occurred while a person has been monitored in an operating theatre. During the episode there has been zero brain activity and yet they have reported the most amazing experiences.
A second case is that of deep Meditation in which a person Transcends their mind. In this State Meditators report being more Conscious. It seems that under ‘normal conditions’ that involve the senses and the mind, a person’s awareness is limited. Whereas in Meditation, Awareness can expand and be more profound.
What is required is a completely new way of understanding Consciousness.
Often the truth is simple such as the famous equation of Einstein and the profound identity of Euler. Sometimes it is just a question of perspective, clearly illustrated by people in the past believing that the Earth was flat and the centre of the universe.
So rather that approach consciousness from the human point of view which involves a nervous system, senses and a brain, let us start from a Universal perspective!
Everything in the physical universe is composed of atoms. Meditators have discovered that the Spiritual Realms are composed of Spiritual Atoms. We could also suggest that emotional and mental energies have a particulate nature.
Our premise is: Atoms are the Source of all Consciousness.
This means that when atoms start to combine to make molecules the consciousness becomes more complex. The molecules can then combine to create geometric formations of the mineral kingdom and the cellular structures of the plant, animal and human kingdoms. The more complex the structure the more conscious the organism becomes.
Meditators often speak of having Samadhis with objects such as crystals, candles, trees and even animals. This is another way of saying they experience the consciousness of that form or entity.
We can even extrapolate the model further and hypothesize that Planets, Stars and Galaxies are, in their own way, Conscious.
The Meditation Path of Light and Sound involves the expansion of Consciousness as the Seeker is taken through a multitude of Spiritual Dimensions. Eventually they may reach a State of Consciousness generally referred to as Enlightenment.
This can therefore be understood as the aggregation of All Consciousness
which is generally spoken of as a Perfect Oneness.