True Giving


We are all familiar with giving and receiving, but sometimes we can overlook the deeper processes that are going on below the surface.

Often the act of giving is requited, which means that it is part of a process that requires something in return. Sometimes this is monetary but can be an acknowledgement or a simple “thank you!”

It can of course be totally anonymous and unrequited, a kind act for a neighbour while they are away on holiday for example.

Having performed the giving, the giver is usually rewarded with a wonderful sense of achievement and pleasure whether it is acknowledged by the recipient or not.

We have often quoted in our websites, “It is only the giving that makes you what you are.” This is worth reflecting on, as it truly is the highest of all the Spiritual Virtues when combined with Love.

However, the Love we speak of here is unrequited and is the Love we receive from the Intelligence of the Higher Realms sometimes referred to as the Spiritual Hierarchy. By its very Nature it can only be received, with no way of reciprocating other than demonstrating the Love to others using the Pay it Forward Principle.

The final nuance is to appreciate the opportunities that we receive that allow us to Truly Give. Rather that expecting to be thanked for our kindness, it is us that should be thanking others for permitting our act of Giving that results in our personal pleasure, as well as that of the receiver.